Newsletter is Here! (And a bit about Imposter Syndrome)


Yes! Finally! I have a newsletter!

But lots of people do, so how is mine going to be different and why do you need to subscribe to it?

Well for starters there's a free PDF when you subscribe! In it, I’m showing you how to get as much content as you can from just one set design, with some tips and ideas for you to use, whether you are a blogger, influencer, or simply need/want to create visuals regularly.

Then you'll get one or two emails per month with updates about what I’ve been up to during my month, the new blog posts available, my favourite shoot of the month, if there are updates about my visual/stock photos shop... And a free computer/phone wallpaper every month!

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It took me a while to set one up, not because I lack time, you can always find the time, but my first thought, when the imposter syndrome strikes, which is quite often, was “I don’t have anything interesting to say, why people would ever want to subscribe to read what I talk about or what I shoot”, which stopped me in my tracks for a while, and still tends to punch me in the guts from time to time, often when I don’t expect it, always a pleasure of course ahah, but now I think I’ve learned to just roll with it, it’s still there, I just choose to ignore it most of the time, and when it becomes too loud, well I stop, breathe, rest, read a book, look at my work, and I try to remember that I’m actually f*cking good at what I do!

I am and will always be able to do better, all of us can/will, but is it stopping me from “doing”? No, not anymore, why? Because I said so, and I’m stubborn, and I’m always right (yes I am, if you think the contrary, you obviously don’t know me enough, that’s a very common "Botella trait” wink wink…) and the “fake it until you make it” quote is so true that it’s actually weird, you’ve heard about visions boards, the mantras… Well yes it helps and it gets you places, because every time you read that “you can do it”, that “you’re doing your best” or that “you’re killing it!”, every time, it leaves a mark in your brain, until it’s marked so deeply, that you are actually doing it, and you are actually killing it, it’s erasing all the “you will never do anything with your life” “you’re too lazy” “you’re not creative enough” from your brain, replacing them with stuff that actually matters, what YOU think about YOURSELF.

So, I decided to start blogging again, basically, I stopped faffing about, and I did it. I also realised, like lots of people, I am subscribed to lots of newsletters, that I don’t necessarily read all the time, but because the content is still good (and also, freebies!) I follow them and enjoy receiving them. So yeah the freebies if I’m being 100% honest are the carrot and stick, but it is what I enjoy doing, this is my job, I create visual content, so why shouldn’t you enjoy it as well?

Oh and yes, like mentioned in the first part, I am opening, soon hopefully, a visual content online shop, stock photography, but not those boring and random stuff you usually see, those will work for your digital marketing needs: whether you are a blogger, creator, social media manager, website, magazine, business owner, or if you simply want some eye-catching pictures to share on social media or a stunning desktop wallpaper image! I hope you’ll like them, I sure enjoy doing them :)
To subscribe to the newsletter, it’s HERE

Marion x

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Image from